Soladay Olson

Partner with Soladay Olson to Achieve Your Goals

Engage Heather Soladay Olson, a seasoned recruiter, marketer, and well-networked advocate, to help you activate connections and make ideas happen. Together, let’s expand our creative workforce to position people of all identities and abilities for success, and enlighten business owners about our remarkable local talent.

Heather offers matchmaking for new collaborations, confidentiality, and nearly 20 years of experience in marketing and recruitment for renowned MSP creative agencies, corporate brands, educational institutions, and nonprofits.

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Build Your Team

Are you filling new roles? Running a confidential search? Cultivating a more representative group?



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Find a Great Job

Need to polish your online profile? Want to network with the right influencers? Is it time to broaden the scope of your search?



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Get New Clients

Looking for achievable ways to obtain new business? Ready to expand your outreach with targeted prospects?



Committed to Inclusivity

“Diversity is being invited to the party; inclusion is being asked [and wanting] to dance.”

—Verna Myers, president, Verna Myers Consulting Group [ with Rosemary Ugboajah, president, Neka Creative ]

Let’s do more than invite people of a variety of backgrounds and experiences to the table. Let’s welcome all and dance together — for innovation, camaraderie, and mutual success.

Not sure how to get involved and make connections? View this conversation about endeavoring to be inclusive. Or peruse this list of organizations to support as an active volunteer, promoter, and/or donor.  Ask me if you’d like to know more!


100 Roses from Concrete/The G.R.O.W.T.H. Initiative

Achieve Twin Cities

AIGA Minnesota Diversity & Inclusion Committee

Art Buddies

Banana Leaf Collective

Black Designers Ignite

Black Tech Talent

Blacks in Technology

Blacks Who Design


Cookie Cart


Creative Mornings MSP

Genesys Works

Indigenous Roots

Juxtaposition Arts

Latinxs Who Design

Make It. MSP.

MN Tech Diversity

North Hennepin Community College

Rêve Academy

Right Track St. Paul

Roots for the Home Team

The BrandLab

The Coven


Urban Scholars

Wallin Education Partners (formerly UpTurnships)

Wintry Mix

Women Who Design





  • “I wanted to say thank you for being such a helpful ally and friend to those of us just starting. There are so many people who do not extend their hands or resources in such a way as you do.”

    Precious Wallace
    Precious WallaceSenior Creative & Founder, King P. Studio